Source code for tamil.tscii2utf8

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2013 Muthiah Annamalai

from sys import argv, exit, version
import tamil
import codecs

PYTHON3 = version[0] > '2'

[docs]def usage(): return u" <filename-1> <filename-2> ... "
if __name__ == u"__main__": if not argv[1:]: print( usage() ) exit(-1) for fname in argv[1:]: try: with,'r','utf-8') as fileHandle: output = tamil.tscii.convert_to_unicode( ) if PYTHON3: print( output ) else: print( output.encode('utf-8') ) except Exception as fileOrConvException: print(u"tscii2utf8 error - file %s could not be processed due to - %s"%(fname,str(fileOrConvException)))