#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from tamil.utf8 import splitMeiUyir, joinMeiUyir, get_letters, uyir_letters, mei_letters
# http://www.tamilvu.org/library/lA432/html/lA432cn1.htm
# 1. முதல் சொல்லின் இறுதி எழுத்து அ
# http://www.tamilvu.org/slet/lA100/lA100pd3.jsp?bookid=169&pno=77
all_rules = {
u'அ': {
# todo : need to fine tune this solo words
'first_solo_words': (u'என்ன', u'நல்ல', u'இன்ன', u'இன்றைய', u'படித்த', u'எழுதாத'),
'secondword_first_chars': (u"க்", u"ச்", u"த்", u"ப்"),
'diff_jn_words': (((u'சின்ன'), (u'சிறு', u'சிறிய'), u'ஞ்'), ),
'special_secondword_first_chars': (uyir_letters, u'வ்'),
'same_words': ((u'பல', u'சில'), u'ற்'),
'same_word_disappear_lastchar': (u'அ'),
'firstword_double_special_secondword': ((u'என்று', u'என'), u'வ்'),
[docs]def joinWords(word_a, word_b):
word_a = word_a.strip()
word_b = word_b.strip()
# get readable letters of first word
first_word_letters = get_letters(word_a)
if first_word_letters[-1] in mei_letters:
# first word last char is mei letter. so just return as it is.
# todo : apply special conditions also
rval = word_a + ' ' + word_b
return rval
# end of if first_word_last_chars[-1] in mei_letters:
# get mei & uyir characters of first word's last char
first_word_last_chars = splitMeiUyir(first_word_letters[-1])
if len(first_word_last_chars) == 2:
first_word_last_mei_char, first_word_last_uyir_char = first_word_last_chars
first_word_last_mei_char, first_word_last_uyir_char = first_word_last_chars[0], first_word_last_chars[0]
# get rule sub dictionary from all dictionary by passing
rule = all_rules[first_word_last_uyir_char]
if word_a == word_b:
# both input words are same
same_word_rule = rule.get('same_words', [])
if word_a in same_word_rule[0]:
# get conjuction char
jn = same_word_rule[1]
# insert conjuction char between input words
rval = first_word_letters[0] + jn + word_b
return rval
elif len(first_word_letters) == 3:
# both words are same but length is 3.
disappear_lastchar = rule.get('same_word_disappear_lastchar', [])
if disappear_lastchar:
disappear_lastchar = disappear_lastchar[0]
if first_word_last_uyir_char == disappear_lastchar:
first_word_first_char = first_word_letters[0]
# get uyir char of second word's first char
first_word_first_uyir_char = splitMeiUyir(first_word_first_char)[-1]
# get conjuction char by joining first word's last mei char and second word's first uyir char
jn = joinMeiUyir(first_word_last_mei_char, first_word_first_uyir_char)
# get first word till pre-last char
first_word = u''.join(first_word_letters[:-1])
# get second word from second char till end
second_word = u''.join(first_word_letters[1:])
# join all first, conjuction, second word
rval = first_word + jn + second_word
return rval
# end of if disappear_lastchar:
# end of if word_a in same_word_rule[0]:
# end of if word_a == word_b:
if word_a in rule.get('first_solo_words', []):
# todo : need to find tune this first solo word check like using startswith, endswith, etc
rval = word_a + ' ' + word_b
return rval
# end of if word_a in rule.get('first_solo_words', []):
for diff_jn in rule.get('diff_jn_words', []):
if word_a in diff_jn[0]:
for last in diff_jn[1]:
if word_b.startswith(last):
# apply different conjuction char rule
rval = word_a + diff_jn[2] + word_b
return rval
# end of for diff_jn in rule.get('diff_jn_words', []):
# get readable letters of second word
second_word_letters = get_letters(word_b)
# get second word's from second char to till end
second_word_after_first_char = u''.join(second_word_letters[1:])
# get mei & uyir characters of second word's first char
second_word_first_chars = splitMeiUyir(second_word_letters[0])
if len(second_word_first_chars) == 2:
second_word_first_mei_char, second_word_first_uyir_char = second_word_first_chars
second_word_first_mei_char, second_word_first_uyir_char = second_word_first_chars[0], second_word_first_chars[0]
if second_word_first_mei_char in rule.get('secondword_first_chars', []):
# apply major conjuction rule
return word_a + second_word_first_mei_char + ' ' + word_b
# end of if second_word_first_mei_char in rule.get('secondword_first_chars', []):
firstword_double_special_secondword = rule.get('firstword_double_special_secondword', [])
if firstword_double_special_secondword:
if len(first_word_letters) == 4:
# check either first word has repeated two times
if first_word_letters[:2] == first_word_letters[2:]: # first word repeat two times within it
# get root second word by removing prefix
sec_word = second_word_first_uyir_char + second_word_after_first_char
if sec_word in firstword_double_special_secondword[0]:
# get conjuction char by joining special conjuction and second root word
jn = joinMeiUyir(firstword_double_special_secondword[1], second_word_first_uyir_char)
# join all
return word_a + jn + second_word_after_first_char
# end of if firstword_double_special_secondword:
special_secondword_first_chars = rule.get('special_secondword_first_chars', [])
if special_secondword_first_chars:
if second_word_first_uyir_char in special_secondword_first_chars[0]:
# get special conjuction char
jn = special_secondword_first_chars[1]
# join special conjuction char with second word's first uyir char
second_word_first_schar = joinMeiUyir(jn, second_word_first_uyir_char)
# complete second word with prefix of conjuction
second_word = second_word_first_schar + second_word_after_first_char
# join all
return word_a + second_word
# end of if second_word_first_uyir_char in special_secondword_first_chars[0]:
# end of if special_secondword_first_chars:
# if all above rules not applicable, then just return as it is !
return word_a + ' ' + word_b
# end of def joinWords(word_a, word_b):