## This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
## (C) 2015 Muthiah Annamalai <[email protected]>
from __future__ import print_function, division
import copy
import collections
from . import utf8
[docs]def combinations(symbols_in):
if isinstance(symbols_in,list):
symbols = symbols_in
symbols = utf8.get_letters(symbols_in)
uniq_symbols = list(set(symbols))
N = len(uniq_symbols)
input_zip = zip(range(0,N),uniq_symbols)
for count in range(0,2**N):
bin_rep = bin(count)[2:]
diff_zeros = N - len(bin_rep)
bin_rep = '0'*diff_zeros + bin_rep
filter_symbol = lambda idx: bin_rep[idx] == '1' and uniq_symbols[idx] or u''
word_combo = u''.join( map(filter_symbol, range(0,N)) )
yield word_combo
[docs]def default_true(*args):
return True
[docs]def permutations(symbols,predicate=default_true,prefix=u""):
if not isinstance(symbols,list):
# raise Exception(u'symbols என்ற உள்ளீடு iterable interface கொண்டதாக வேண்டும். அது சரம் (str) வகையாக இருந்தால் tamil.utf8.get_letters() பயன்பாட்டை முதலில் உபயொகிக்க!')
symbols = utf8.get_letters(symbols)
if len(symbols) == 1:
yield symbols[0]
for idx in range(0,len(symbols)):
new_list = copy.copy(symbols)
new_pfx = prefix+symbols[idx]
if not predicate(new_pfx):
del new_list[idx]
for vars in permutations(new_list,predicate,new_pfx):
yield symbols[idx] + vars
del new_list
[docs]def tamil_permutations(inword):
if isinstance(inword,list):
letters = inword
letters = utf8.get_letters(inword)
for word in permutations( letters ):
yield word
[docs]def is_palindrome(*args):
return palindrome(*args)
[docs]def palindrome(symbols_in):
if isinstance(symbols_in,list):
symbols = symbols_in
symbols = utf8.get_letters(symbols_in)
N = len(symbols)
for fw in range(0,N//2):
rev = N-1 - fw
if symbols[fw] != symbols[rev]:
return False
return True
[docs]def all_plaindromes(dictionary):
if not callable( getattr(dictionary,'isWord',[]) ):
raise Exception("@dictionary என்ற உள்ளீட்டில் isWord என்ற செயல்பாட்டு கூறு கிடையாது. இது விதிவிலக்கான நிலை")
if not callable( getattr(dictionary,'getAllWords',[]) ):
raise Exception("@dictionary என்ற உள்ளீட்டில் getAllWords என்ற செயல்பாட்டு கூறு கிடையாது. இது விதிவிலக்கான நிலை")
for word in dictionary.getAllWords():
if is_palindrome(word):
yield word
[docs]def anagrams(word,dictionary,permutations=tamil_permutations):
if not callable( getattr(dictionary,'isWord',[]) ):
raise Exception("@dictionary என்ற உள்ளீட்டில் isWord என்ற செயல்பாட்டு கூறு கிடையாது. இது விதிவிலக்கான நிலை")
for anagram in permutations(word):
if dictionary.isWord(anagram):
yield anagram
[docs]def is_anagram(wordA,wordB):
return sorted(wordA)== sorted(wordB)
[docs]def anagrams_in_dictionary(dictionary):
if not all ([callable( getattr(dictionary,'isWord',[])),callable( getattr(dictionary,'getAllWordsIterable',[]))]):
raise Exception("dictionary object has insufficient methods")
anagrams = dict()
anagrams_by_len = collections.Counter()
except AttributeError:
anagrams_by_len = dict()
for in_word in dictionary.getAllWordsIterable():
word = utf8.get_letters(in_word)
sword = u''.join(sorted(word))
equivs = anagrams[sword]
except KeyError as ke:
equivs = list()
anagrams_by_len[sword] = 0
equivs.append( in_word )
anagrams[sword] = equivs
anagrams_by_len[sword] += 1
items_to_del = copy.deepcopy(filter(lambda a: a[1] == 1,anagrams_by_len.items()))
for itm,counts in items_to_del:
del anagrams[itm]
del anagrams_by_len[itm]
del items_to_del
itr = 0
from operator import itemgetter
rval_anagram_count = sorted(anagrams_by_len.items(),key=itemgetter(1))
for k,v in rval_anagram_count:
itr = itr + 1
#print(u"%d/ items #%d"%(itr,v))
#print(u"%d anagrams found"%itr)
return rval_anagram_count,anagrams
# combinations filtered by dictionary - yields all possible sub-words of a word.
# e.g. 'bat' -> 'tab', 'bat', 'at', etc.
[docs]def combinagrams(word,dictionary,limit=float("inf")):
count = 0
for word_part in combinations(word):
for valid_word in anagrams(word_part,dictionary,tamil_permutations):
count = count + 1
if count > limit:
yield valid_word
# permutations of a word filtered by dictionary - yields all possible sub-words of a word.
# e.g. 'bullpen' -> 'pen' 'bull', 'ben' 'pull', 'pub' 'nell', 'nell' 'pub' .etc.
[docs]def permutagrams(word,dictionary):
matches = dict()
for perm_word in permutations(word):
if (perm_word in matches):
matches[perm_word] = list()
actual_splits = word_split(perm_word,dictionary)
if len(actual_splits) > 0:
yield actual_splits
del matches
[docs]def rhymes_with(inword,reverse_dictionary):
if not all ([callable( getattr(reverse_dictionary,'isWord',[])),callable( getattr(reverse_dictionary,'getWordsEndingWith',[]))]):
raise Exception("reverse dictionary object has insufficient methods")
rhyming = list()
if isinstance(inword,list):
letters = inword
letters = utf8.get_letters(inword)
MAX = len(letters)*2
while len(rhyming) < MAX and len(letters) > 0:
partial_word = u"".join( letters )
matches = list( reverse_dictionary.getWordsEndingWith( partial_word ) )
#print "%d -> %d"%(len(letters),len(matches))
rhyming.extend( matches )
del letters[0]
#rhyming = list(set(rhyming))
return set(rhyming[0:min(len(rhyming)-1,MAX)])
[docs]def greedy_split(inword,dictionary):
if not all ([callable( getattr(dictionary,'isWord',[])),callable( getattr(dictionary,'hasWordsStartingWith',[]))]):
raise Exception("dictionary object has insufficient methods")
if isinstance(inword,list):
letters = inword
letters = utf8.get_letters(inword)
solution = list()
longest_idx = 0
prev_idx = 0
idx = 0
possible = True
while possible:
idx = prev_idx
prev_word = u""
while idx < len(letters):
#print("%d -> %d"%(idx,prev_idx))
word = u"".join(letters[prev_idx:idx+1])
if dictionary.hasWordsStartingWith(word):
if dictionary.isWord(word):
prev_word = word
#print("word => %s"%word)
longest_idx = idx+1
elif word == inword:
possible = False
#print "prev_ word"
if len(prev_word) == 0:
possible = False
idx = idx + 1
prev_idx = longest_idx
#print(" \t --> word %s|%s|%d"%(prev_word,str(possible),prev_idx))
solution.append( prev_word )
do_brk = len(prev_word) == 0
if (prev_idx) >= len(letters) or do_brk:
possible = not do_brk
if possible:
return solution
return list()
[docs]def word_split(inword,dictionary):
if not callable( getattr(dictionary,'isWord',[])):
raise Exception("dictionary object has insufficient methods")
if isinstance(inword,list):
letters = inword
letters = utf8.get_letters(inword)
solutions = list()
idx = 0
while idx < len(letters)-1:
#print idx
prev_word = u"".join(letters[0:idx+1])
next_word = u"".join(letters[idx+1:])
temp_sol = list()
#print prev_word,next_word
sol1 = greedy_split(prev_word,dictionary)
if len(sol1) > 0:
sol2 = greedy_split(next_word,dictionary)
if len(sol2) > 0:
tmpsol = list()
if not (tmpsol in solutions):
# try cross product of s1, and s2 computed recursively!
s1 = word_split(prev_word,dictionary)
s2 = word_split(next_word,dictionary)
for sols in s1:
for sols2 in s2:
l = list()
if not (l in solutions):
idx = idx + 1
return ((solutions))
# dummy dictionary interface for use with anagrams
DictionaryWithPredicate = collections.namedtuple('DictionaryWithPredicate',['isWord'])
# Utility class
[docs]class DictionaryFixedWordList(object):
def __init__(self,wlist):
self.wlist = wlist
[docs] def isWord(self,word):
return word in self.wlist
[docs] def hasWordsStartingWith(self,pfx):
return any( [ w.startswith(pfx) for w in self.wlist ] )