Welcome to OPEN TAMIL WEB!
open tamil can also be used as a python library or as a webservice from other applications. Open tamil is currently under development. If you are interested in contributing contact the developers

Open Tamil on the web platform hosts the free-software language processing applications present within library open-tamil, for processing Tamil language text, numbers, scripts. Open Tamil can also be used as a python library or as a webservice from other applications. Open tamil is currently under development. If you are interested in contributing contact us via github here.
This is collective work of our team underlying the website, itself written in Django+Python, highlighting various aspects of open-tamil like transliteration, numeral generation, encoding converters, spell checker among other things. New features added via git-repo https://github.com/Ezhil-Language-Foundation/open-tamil gets updated.
Special thanks to Surendhar Ravichandran to enable deployment of the app on Digital Ocean App platform.
Updated Mar 6th, 2024. Website and Open-Tamil licensed under GNU Affero GPL, and MIT terms respectively.