தமிழ் திருத்தி ( தமிழிணையவாணி + தமிழ் சந்திப்பிழைத்திருத்தி)

usage: Tools > Spellchecker
[+] [-]

Tamilinaiyam - Pizhaithiruthi (Spellchecker)

Python Package

Python Port of TamilInaiya spell checker is named ‘tamilinayavaani’ and available as Python module form same name. It can be used with a UTF-8 encoded text file as follows,


$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade tamilinayavaani>=0.13

Usage - in-memory

from tamilinaiyavaani import SpellChecker


expected=['வாழைப்', 'பழம்']

assert not flag

assert expected[0]==suggs[0]

Usage - file-based

An file-based use of the library would look like,

from tamilinaiyavaani import SpellChecker, SpellCheckerResult

result = SpellChecker(fname).run() #fname is a full filename

# result is a list of SpellCheckerResult objects.


Tamil Virtual Academy release sources at link.


This code is licensed under terms of GNU GPL V2. Check link for license info.


  • Thanks to Tamil Virtual Academy, Chennai for releasing ths source code of this application. This work is open-source publication of Vaani from link You can support the close-source Vaani project, an 8 yr effort as of 2020, by donating here donate(link)
  • Python Port was enabled by Kaniyam Foundation, T. Shrinivasan, @manikk, Ashok Ramachandran, and others. You can support Kaniyam Foundation and its mission by donating via instructions here, Kaniyam The Python port depends on tamilsandhichecker project link and the Open-Tamil project link: